It is safe to say there are A LOT of people out there producing A LOT of content on social media for our profession, and it can be overwhelming. Let’s be honest: we should only be spending so much time scrolling on our phone so, when you do, you’ll want to spend most of it with quality content and creators. Let me take some of the guesswork out for you by providing you a list of five of my favorite Physical Therapists that I follow. Each with their own specialties.
That is of course if you decide that you can’t just get everything you need right here following! 🙂 For some reason if you do feel the need to go further than that – here they are in alphabetical order (enjoy!).
Meet The Therapists:
Anthony Maritato, PT: (Business Practice/Social Media)
Have you ever considered opening up your own practice? Are you also overwhelmed by the concept of business models, insurance contracts, staying afloat in these uncertain times for Therapists? Tony Maritato is your man with the answers! Popularly known as the founder of, Tony has made it his business to succeed in every aspect of well…PT business. Tony is very active on social media, and on daily posts thought provoking, light bulb clicking ideas to get your creative financial juices flowing.
Tony, business owner of Total Therapy Solutions, teaches you creative ways to bring in additional cash flow, as well as how any of us can use out-of-the box ways to monetize yourself as a PT. He educates through free podcasts, as well as paid programs like a “zero to paid” Medicare course. Tony has also hinted about a new training on developing a podcast which will start in March.
Brandy Wilkins PT, DPT, CPHQ: (Non-clinical Advancement)
Have you ever considered taking your career journey toward a healthcare quality/administrative role? Then, Brandy Wilkins is a must follow. Through her audio podcast: Kairos Conversations: Connecting with Quality, Brandy speaks to healthcare professionals who have made the transition away from direct care, and into roles that impact patient safety on a broader scale. During these easy to listen to interviews, her guests provide valuable experience to prepare you to leverage yourself for this new career change. They also provide guidance on successes and mistakes they have made along the way to prepare for this big transition.
On her website, Brandy also provides career coaching and career transition resources. Brandy has almost a decade of experience in healthcare quality, and more as a clinician. Brandy’s mission is to improve our U.S. healthcare system and reduce preventable harm. If this sounds like you, then a role in patient safety or patient experience could be in your future. Come learn more with her here on LinkedIn.
Erson Religioso PT, DPT, CertMDT, Cert MST, CFC, CNPT, FAAOMPT: (Ortho/Manual)
Erson’s list of credentials after his name didn’t come to be that long by accident. With 25 years of experience, Erson is a master diagnostician as well as hosting an extensive toolchest of treatment techniques. Lucky for us, he does not keep this a secret and we have many ways to learn from him. Erson provides great insight into advanced cases on his podcast: Untold Physio Stories. If his podcast leaves you yearning for more (I don’t blame you) then you can check out his continuing education opportunities through Modern Manual Therapy Seminars.
Let’s not forget that he also owns a cash-based outpatient practice at Edge Rehab and Sports Science. Has sat as a faculty member at three different colleges in his hometown. If you are already wondering how Erson does it you should also be made aware that he also develops a line of manual therapy mobility, fitness, strength, and rehab products on his website: Edge Mobility System. If you’d like to hear more about Erson and his journey, listen to our podcast interview on Rock The Recovery.
Katie O’Bright PT, DPT, OCS: (Primary Care PT)
Like all the superstars on this list Katie has many hats that you may want to try on. On social media, Katie is best known as the “Primary Care PT” in which she puts on an excellent podcast that has a myriad of engaging and relevant topics. Each is based on advanced learning in the growing popular sector of Primary Care Physical Therapy. But wait, there’s more! She doesn’t stop there! Katie is the owner of Redefine Health Education where you can further your career through improving your multisystem evaluation. Courses can be provided in person or online and are approved for CEUs in many states.
Katie has a myriad of different experiences including serving in the United States Army as a Captain and Physical Therapist, primarily working in a multidisciplinary soldier-centered medical home. While there she furthered her education in a Military Musculoskeletal Residency and obtained her Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist (OCS). Katie has worked all over the country in a wide range of practices, as well as ran her own cash-based practice.
If you have ever been on a continuing education site in your career and looked into learning more about neuro, you probably have already met Mike Studer. There is a good reason why. Mike has had a distinguished 30+ year career. He has been awarded the Clinician of the Year in both the neurologic and geriatric academies of the APTA, as well as served as the vice president of the Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy as part of APTA. In 2020 Mike was bestowed with the distinguished Catherine Worthingham Fellow from the APTA. He has lectured in all 50 states and 4 continents, written > 35 articles and has multiple continuing education courses where he helps us to make sense of and apply neuroplasticity for common neuro conditions Parkinson’s Disease, stroke, neuropathy, fear and imbalance.

Dr Studer also promises more cutting-edge research including a screen test regarding dual task training. He’s also given one of these little-known things called a Ted Talk. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Mike provides a great selection of neuro-focused videos on his site and social media, and many other offerings on his website There you can find posts, and videos, as well as more information on his CEU courses. Mike provides insight for those treating neurologic disease, fear of falling and gamification. As Co-Owner of Spark Rehab in Oregon, Dr Studer also has content to help you open a neuro clinic.
Wrap Up:
In the names above, you find a powerhouse of Therapists who have paved the way in our profession. There are a lot of ways to learn from them and you will not be disappointed! Also, make yourself comfortable, and stay a while here at You can find podcasts, interview articles, and blog articles. If you are a therapist who is interested in collaboration with please reach out.